Speed up your registration proceed, complete a quick health questionnaire before arriving. Bring along copies of blood tests, all medications & other treatments, & anything else you think might be helpful.

Our Services

Family Medicine

We are devoted to providing comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders and diseases. We emphasise disease prevention and health promotion of the patient in the context of the family and the community.

Health Screening

Early detection, early treatment, better prognosis. Health screening is vital as it allows early detection of the top 3 silent killers – heart disease, diabetes and cancers. We offer personalised comprehensive advanced health screening that is customised based on your health risk assessment.

Travel Medicine

We help our international travellers prepare for their trip with a comprehensive assessment of their health risks and vaccination needs. We will assist you in planning your medical travel pack that includes sufficient chronic medications for the duration of travel, curating a basic medical travel medicine and first aid kit. 


Telemedicine is a form of medical consultation service using communication technologies such as computers and mobile devices. 

In a teleconsultation, patients can have consultations with doctors, nurses and allied health professionals in the comfort of their homes or at a location where privacy is assured. These virtual appointments enable patients to receive ongoing care where in-person clinic consultations are not necessary or possible. It provides opportunities to make healthcare more convenient, better coordinated, and closer to home. Patients can expect to receive the same level of patient care and medical attention from our healthcare professionals. Medications, Medical Certificates and/or memos, if any and appropriate, can be issued after a Teleconsultation. 

Send us a message via WhatsApp to book a Teleconsultation.

Mental Health

With the daily demands of our lives, we may start to feel stressed, worried, sad and burnout. Mental health conditions are common and it’s okay to reach out for help. Our doctors are trained to see the big picture. They can identify when your mental health is affecting your physical health and vice versa. For example, things like fertility issues, digestive problems, unexplained fatigue, insomnia and headaches can be made worse by mental health conditions.

Lifestyle Medicine

Dr Phuah is certified in Lifestyle Medicine by the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM). She understands that health & wellness can be complicated to navigate. She will guide you to understand and support your journey to a better lifestyle that translates to wellness.

Let’s start together and learn about the pillars of healthy lifestyle.


Find out how to use food and supplements to boost your health and prevent disease.


No matter what your sleep habits are, we’ll share how you can use sleep to optimise health & performance.


Get advice on how much and how often and focus on what kind of movement is right for you.


Learn about the impact of stress on your health and ways you can solve your stress cycle daily.


Discover how meaningful relationships generate a positive social, emotional and physical well-being.


Your genes are not necessarily your destiny. Take back the editing rights to your genome through clever lifestyle changes.


Learn how to minimise and prevent your exposure to toxic chemicals.


Let us help you design a Health Plan for sustained wellness and healthy ageing. Arrange an appointment with us today. 

Family, Travel, Preventive, Nutritional, Lifestyle, Complementary & Longevity Medicine in Singapore

At Nutramed, we pride ourselves in providing comprehensive healthcare services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our patients. Located in the vibrant city of Singapore, our clinic offers a wide range of medical services, ensuring that you and your family receive the highest standard of care. Specialised in Family Medicine, Travel Medicine, Health Screening, Vaccination, Nutritional Medicine, and Lifestyle Medicine. Let us take you through the exceptional services we offer at Nutramed. Family Medicine: Comprehensive Care for All Ages Family Medicine is the cornerstone of our practice at Nutramed. We are dedicated to managing the overall health of your entire family. We emphasize preventive care, early detection of illnesses, and effective management of chronic conditions. We are committed to building long-term relationships with patients, ensuring continuity of care and a deep understanding of your family’s health history. Travel Medicine: Stay Healthy While Exploring the World Travel Medicine is essential for anyone planning to travel abroad. At Nutramed, we provide specialized consultations to ensure you are well-prepared for your journey. Our services include pre-travel health assessments, travel vaccinations, and advice on how to stay healthy while abroad. We understand the unique health risks associated with different destinations and offer tailored advice to keep you safe, whether you are traveling for business or leisure.   Health Screening: Early Detection for Better Health Outcomes Regular Health Screening is vital for early detection and prevention of various health conditions. Nutramed offers comprehensive health screening packages designed to identify potential health issues before they become serious problems. Our screening programs are customized based on age, gender, and risk factors, providing you with a thorough understanding of your health status. Early detection through health screening can significantly improve treatment outcomes and enhance your quality of life. Vaccination: Protecting Your Health Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to protect against infectious diseases. At Nutramed, we offer a full range of vaccinations for children, adults, and travellers. Our clinic ensures that all vaccines are administered safely and effectively, following the latest guidelines and recommendations. Whether you need routine immunizations, seasonal flu shots, or travel vaccines, our team is here to help you stay protected. Nutritional Medicine: Fuel Your Body for Optimal Health Nutritional Medicine focuses on the role of nutrition in maintaining health and preventing disease. At Nutramed, our physicians provide personalized dietary advice and nutritional plans to help you achieve optimal health. We understand that nutrition plays a critical role in managing chronic conditions, boosting immunity, and enhancing overall well-being. Our approach to Nutritional Medicine is evidence-based, ensuring that our recommendations are backed by the latest scientific research. Lifestyle Medicine: Transforming Health Through Lifestyle Changes Lifestyle Medicine is a growing field that emphasizes the importance of healthy lifestyle choices in preventing and managing chronic diseases. Our clinic offers guidance on physical activity, stress management, sleep hygiene, and other lifestyle factors that contribute to overall health. We believe that small, sustainable changes can have a significant impact on your health, and we are here to support you every step of the way.   Why Choose Nutramed in Singapore? Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities .We take a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing both physical and mental well-being. Our patient-centred philosophy ensures that you receive personalized care tailored to your unique needs. At Nutramed, your health is our priority. Whether you need Family Medicine services, Travel Medicine consultations, Health Screening, Vaccination, Nutritional Medicine advice, or Lifestyle Medicine guidance, our dedicated team is here to support you.